Protect your community from short-term rentals

Let your community florish. Weed out illegal short-term rentals.

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Example of trakcing a listing being live on a website
Example of trakcing a listing being live on a website

Real time updates when a listing is live

Community Dome continuously monitors major rental platforms and notifies you instantly when your property listing goes live.

We capture screenshots to provide you with the necessary evidence of illegal listings.

Track when listings are made active or inactive

Our system vigilantly tracks illegal activities, providing a detailed history of the hours each listing was active or inactive.

Offenders may try to hide their activities during off-hours, but with Community Dome's round-the-clock monitoring, their actions are always tracked.

The history, by hour, of a listing being active on multiple platforms.
A notification that a profile has a new listing.

Know if a profile has new listings

Bad actors often create new listings under the same profile after being caught; our system alerts you instantly to any new listings.

With Community Dome, you'll immediately know if a monitored profile creates a new listing, ensuring continuous oversight.

Easily locate your property listed on, Airbnb, and VRBO

Upload images of your property or common areas, and our system will identify exact and similar matches across rental platforms.

Our advanced search detects if your property images are used in listings, even if bad actors use fake addresses to obscure the location.

Image Upload Search Example

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